All animals deserve kindness

Stop Deforestation, Save Animals

Help the Pygmy marmoset and other vulnerable species in forests.

  • A blue butterfly in the Amazon Valparaiso project, Brazil.

    Amazon Valparaíso

    $20.00 available on subscription


    Amazon Valparaíso

    Protects an area with some of the highest levels of Amazonian biodiversity

    Supports communities in developing sustainable agriculture practices

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Save the Pygmy Marmoset in the Amazon Rainforest

For every nook and cranny in a forest, there are animals and plants that call it home. Through our programs, you can help trees stand tall to protect the Pygmy marmoset, the smallest monkey in the world. And you’ll get a unique certificate verifying your support.

We want you to feel how good it can be to do something real for the planet. $1 saves 1 tree!

Make a Difference Today

Your support directly contributes to the preservation of 28,000 hectares of vital rainforest in the Amazon Basin. By protecting this pristine ecosystem, you help mitigate climate change, safeguard biodiversity, and support sustainable livelihoods for local communities. Through innovative conservation practices, such as promoting sustainable agriculture and ranching, the project ensures the long-term health of the region while providing economic opportunities for those who call it home.

Save Forests and Animals Now

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