Bukaleba Forest Project


Bukaleba Forest Project

$36.00 available on subscription

Help fight against climate change and deforestation by supporting reforestation of more than 2,000 hectares of previously degraded shrub and grassland along the shores of Lake Victoria in Uganda.

Your support will also uplift the social and economic well-being of the local communities reliant on the project area for their livelihoods.  

Sustainable Development Goals


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Key facts

  • Revitalizes an area of 2,061 hectares, focusing on transforming degraded shrubland into vibrant, sustainable forest ecosystem.
  • Provides support to over 900 local individuals through avenues such as education, healthcare, agriculture, and various local business and job opportunities.
  • Proactive management of buffer zones and conservation areas which contain critical habitats for flora and fauna.

More info

Nestled in the heart of Mayuge District in Eastern Uganda, the Bukaleba Forest Project is enhancing the region’s biodiversity and contributing to global climate change mitigation through tree planting. This initiative is transforming the area of shrubland into lush, well-managed forests with exotic and indigenous tree species. Beyond reforestation, Bukaleba is a lifeline to local communities, offering a sustainable alternative to practices like subsistence agriculture, fuel-wood collection, charcoal production, and grazing, historically contributing to deforestation. Importantly, a significant portion of carbon revenue is dedicated to community development and reinvested in Uganda, including supporting schools, healthcare initiatives, sanitation, agriculture, and more. Overall, the Bukaleba Forest Project exemplifies a comprehensive and sustainable approach, addressing environmental concerns while fostering community resilience and economic growth.

Project Photos

Project Impacts

Biodiversity & Ecosystems

Bukaleba Forest Project revitalizes an area of 2,061 hectares focusing on transforming degraded shrubland into vibrant, sustainable forest ecosystems. The project plants 15 different tree species, which includes a majority of pine and eucalyptus varieties, as well as silky oak and mixed hardwoods.

Community Development

The project employs over 900 rural individuals and promotes conservation through tree planting and biodiversity initiatives. Additionally, over 345 women from community groups were trained on making soap, detergent, and Batiki clothes to contribute to their household income. Additionally, the project provides medical supplies, counselling, and testing services to communities to promote health and prevent the spread of communicable diseases. Drilled boreholes improve access to clean and safe drinking water which benefits over 4,000 households. Moreover, the project contributes to sustainable agricultural advancement by supporting the establishment of cooperatives and processing facilities, adding value to local crops. The provision of tree seedlings to villagers, along with training on tree planting and firefighting techniques, has increased the involvement of local people in tree plantation activities. This comprehensive approach not only revitalizes degraded areas but also bolsters community governance and infrastructure.

Emissions Reductions & Certifications

Bukaleba Forest Project is validated and verified by Verra under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and has removed 351,909 tonnes of CO2 emissions over the last two decades.

Endangered Species

The Bukaleba Forest Project has several High Conservation Value Areas (“HCVAs”) and is home to one unique, rare, critically endangered, and native species of cycad (encephalartos equatorialis). The forest reserve is home to an abundance of species, including an impressive 47 species of birds, the near threatened African buffalo, the vulnerable African prunus tree, the vervet monkey, the elusive forest leopard, and the endangered grey parrot.

Compliance Reporting

Verra Project ID: 799
Documentation: Bukaleba Forest Project Verification
(required by CA AB1305)
