
  • Virginia Beach Forest Area

    Virginia Beach Forest

    $30.00 available on subscription

    United States

    Virginia Beach Forest

    Revitalizes an area of 24 acres in Virginia Beach, USA

    Supports wildlife and the livability of an urban area

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  • Two-women-planting-tree-seeds

    Bukaleba Forest Project

    $36.00 available on subscription


    Bukaleba Forest Project

    Revitalizes an area of 2,065 hectares through tree planting

    Supports community education and employment opportunities

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  • A family of elephants moving through the Kasigau Wildlife Corridor between Tsavo East and Tsavo West National Parks, Kenya.

    Kasigau Wildlife Sanctuary

    $20.00 available on subscription


    Kasigau Wildlife Sanctuary

    Conserves critical African elephant migration corridor

    Supports community education and employment opportunities

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  • A pair of critically endangered bonobo chimpanzees in the Mai Ndombe project, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

    Mai Ndombe

    $20.00 available on subscription

    D.R. Congo

    Mai Ndombe

    Protects the most threatened frontier of the Congo Basin rainforest

    Conserves critical habitat for bonobos, mankind's closest living relative

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  • Nancy Mansarray, a Gola Rainforest local, with nursery plants.

    Gola Rainforest

    $20.00 available on subscription

    Sierra Leone

    Gola Rainforest

    Protects the largest rainforest in Sierra Leone

    Internationally recognised biodiversity hotspot

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