
  • A cream-colored woodpecker in the Envira Amazonia project, Brazil.

    Envira Amazonia

    $20.00 available on subscription


    Envira Amazonia

    Protects nearly 500,000 acres of tropical rainforest and many endangered birds

    Enhances the lives of rural forest communities through health and educational programs


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  • A blue butterfly in the Amazon Valparaiso project, Brazil.

    Amazon Valparaíso

    $20.00 available on subscription


    Amazon Valparaíso

    Protects an area with some of the highest levels of Amazonian biodiversity

    Supports communities in developing sustainable agriculture practices


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  • Colourful houses in the Brazilian Rosewood project.

    Brazilian Rosewood

    $20.00 available on subscription


    Brazilian Rosewood

    Protects endangered tree species like the Brazilian Rosewood

    Supports secure land tenure rights for forest communities


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