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Stand For Our Climate

Achieve your goals with America’s top climate platform

Join 12,112+ climate leaders conserving forests, time, and costs with our solutions


Ancient Trees Saved


Endangered Species Protected


Carbon Tonnes Offset


Sustainable Jobs Created

Climate responsibility isn’t just a trend, it’s the future

Stand For Trees paves the way for businesses, big or small, with simple and tailored solutions, ensuring they not only make an impact but exceed customer expectations. Join a network of climate leaders supporting our community-led conservation projects and working toward a net-zero future.

Who’s in this movement

Tailored Climate Action for Your Business

Discover a variety of solutions in different shapes and sizes—explore our products below

Carbon footprint calculator

Whether your business is small or medium-sized, Stand For Trees offers a free, swift, and effortless way to measure your carbon footprint. We simplify the process through streamlined data collection, enabling you to focus on both minimizing and offsetting your annual emissions.

Tailored for: Small and medium businesses (options available for larger companies)
Perfect for: Embarking on the start of your carbon accounting journey to become carbon neutral

Calculate Now!
One of Stand For Trees' carbon solutions is their carbon footprint calculator for businesses.
The Stand For Trees travel footprint calculator.

Offset your business travel

Step into a world where business travel meets environmental responsibility. Enter your travel details into our user-friendly calculator, and let our tool crunch the numbers for you. Whether it’s flights, car rentals, or accommodations, we’ll break down the emissions so you can then offset them.

Tailored for: Businesses or individuals
Perfect for: Companies transforming business travel into a sustainability opportunity

Try it now
Shopping cart for carbon offsetting and saving trees with Stand For Trees

Bespoke carbon offsetting

We’ve streamlined the process for those seeking swift, bespoke carbon offset solutions. Our platform empowers you to offset quickly, showcase your impact, and effortlessly utilize our assets. Additionally, we offer flexible pricing and volume options, ensuring a hassle-free experience.

Tailored for: Any business!
Perfect for: Any business ready to make a distinct mark on the climate frontier.

Try it now
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Climate action for your team

Just want to offset climate action for your workforce without the hassle of measuring footprints? Soon, you’ll be able to give your employees a reason to be proud by funding certified carbon reduction and forest conservation projects every month.

Tailored for: Business of any size or industry
Great for: Building a green-first culture

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Comprehensive business footprint calculator

For businesses with more intricate operations, easily calculate your scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, and build a decarbonisation plan. As an official Greenly Partner we will prepare you with an audit-ready, investor grade GHG protocol report, to measure your business footprint. With unique API connectors, data collection is 55% less effort than other measurement companies.

Tailored for: All businesses seeking precise measurement and tracking of emissions
Perfect for: Executing targeted and effective emission reduction strategies

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Custom ecommerce integrations

Elevate your e-commerce experience by seamlessly integrating climate action. Use our user-friendly integration to add carbon offsetting options to your shopping cart at the point of sale. Make your product carbon neutral or allow users to offset the emissions associated with distributing your products.

Tailored for: Businesses with online products or services
Perfect for: Elevating your customers’ shopping experiences with a touch of eco- impact

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Embed climate action with sales widgets

Our Sales Widgets enable you to sell verified Stand For Trees carbon offsets directly on your site. With seamless integration, our solution empowers your business and your customers to make a tangible difference in the fight against climate change. Just embed the widget code into your sales pages, product listings, checkout process, or anywhere else you see fit.

Tailored for: Businesses committed to sustainability
Perfect for: Enhancing customer engagement and building brand loyalty through climate action

Meet the widget

Climate Hero Spotlight

Nordic Wristbands Logo

Nordic Wristbands, one of Scandinavia’s largest wristband manufacturers, is on an ongoing quest to minimize its carbon impact – and we’re proud that Stand For Trees has played a crucial role in this journey. With our help, they successfully measured and offset their carbon footprint from CO2 emissions arising from wristband production in 2022. Through our Mai Ndombe carbon project, they are protecting nearly 7,000 ancient trees from destruction while also providing vital support for local communities. Learn more about their impact story.

Stacked wristbands from company Nordic Wristbands